IRS Offer in Compromise Calculator

3 Reasons Your Tax Practice Needs an IRS Offer in Compromise Calculator

Tax resolution professionals know that one of the most important services they can provide their clients is proactive, successful negotiation with the IRS. In many cases, that means an Offer in Compromise (OIC). Like any agreement, a great OIC is one in which neither party entirely prevails but in which all stakeholders walk away feeling satisfied.    Consider the case of a taxpayer who has fallen into arrears. Coming to the table, the IRS would love to collect every dime of back taxes owed to the United States government, if possible. The taxpayer, on the other hand, would be happy if they could walk away from the situation with no financial consequences. Sometimes neither scenario is feasible. The IRS hopes that if your client had the resources to pay their taxes in full, they would have done so by now, and so do you. The agents working on your client’s case are willing to negotiate, but only to the point allowed in their guidelines. You’ve got to submit a proposal that your client can afford and that the IRS finds palatable, but how will you determine what that looks like? The best way to make it happen is with an IRS Offer in Compromise calculator like the one that’s built into IRS Solutions.  


David Stone​​

Founder and President at IRS Solutions​

After years of working as an IRS Officer, David changed sides and became an Enrolled Agent. In 2011, he used his experience to create IRS Solutions, a fully integrated system that incorporates all the tools that tax resolution pros need to streamline cases. 


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