tax resolution business opportunity

Transform Your Life with a Tax Resolution Business Opportunity


After one of the most horrendous tax seasons ever, a record number of accountants are retiring or just quitting and finding a new career path due to a lack of passion for the job. To add insult to injury, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to create competition that threatens to put tax pros out of business as more and more taxpayers file their own taxes online. Emotions are running high and tax professionals are simply burnt out—just visit the Tax Preparer Stress Relief Facebook Group if you don’t believe us. So, if this sounds all too familiar to you, it’s time to make a change with the tax resolution business opportunity.


Make the Transition to Tax Resolution

Transition from tax preparer to tax resolution specialist and you’ll never look back. Where a tax preparer might make $200—$2,000+ per return, you can easily make double, triple, even ten times that much solving a tax resolution case. Helping taxpayers with IRS collections is a  great tax resolution business opportunity – filled with exciting challenges, unique cases, and the opportunity to change your clients’ lives forever. So not only will you work with people who actually appreciate your services, but because tax resolution requires human reasoning, it’s not threatened by AI takeover. Best of all, with the right tools and guidance, you can start making more money and skyrocketing your business in no time flat. 

Work Less. Make More.

As a Tax Resolution Specialist, you’ll finally be able to work less and make more. We’re talking about more money, more time for yourself, and a more positive future overall. You don’t need a brand new career—capitalize on what you already know and evolve your practice by adding tax resolution to the portfolio of services you already offer. With the right mindset, the right tools, and the right team, you can create a brighter future than you ever imagined. It all starts with 4 simple steps. 


Step 1: Get Educated

Focus your Continuing Professional Education (CPE) around tax resolution. Education empowers you to find tax resolution opportunities, solve them effectively, and charge what you’re worth. Options like our Members-Only Webinars teach you exactly what you need to know in order to succeed in real life tax resolution situations. When choosing a CPE program, read reviews and be sure you choose a provider with an active support team. You need the ability to ask questions and get advice from experts in the field.


Step 2: Get the Right Tools 

“It’s amazing how with the right tools and resources, you can drastically minimize your learning curve for tax resolution.”  —David Stone, Co-Founder, IRS Solutions


Having the right tools will save you an enormous amount of time and money. IRS Solutions Software puts everything you need right at your fingertips. We provide Letters of Engagement to get the process off to a good start, transcripts translated into plain, understandable English, templates already made out from your practice, and video webinars that help you grow along the way—all included in your membership. To top it off, our Marketing Toolbox ensures that you always look like the professional you are.


Within the Marketing Toolbox you’ll find:

  • Social Media Posts to help you advertise your business
  • Email templates for client reminders, check-ins, and updates
  • Sales & networking materials
  • Printable letters, coupons, educational resources for your clients and more!


Step 3: Get in with the Right Crowd 

You become most like those you surround yourself with. That’s why it’s so important to network with professionals you admire and whom you can model your own business plan around. Maintaining positive relationships with other credible practices will inevitably unlock opportunities for your practice in the future. Take part in webinars, join forums, and find a supportive and encouraging environment like the IRS Solutions Facebook Community


Pro tip: Nervous about being the “new” guy or girl? Don’t be! Every expert starts somewhere. Never be afraid to ask questions and always remember that mistakes can be fixed. Never done an Offer in Compromise before? No problem! IRS Solutions is here to flatten that learning curve. The more you immerse yourself in the Tax Resolution Community, the more familiar you will feel and the more confident you will become.


Step 4: Have the Confidence to Charge Correctly

As a tax resolution specialist, you can easily charge anywhere from $500-$10,000 and up, depending on the case and your confidence level. At first, you might feel apprehensive about charging full price for your services, especially if you’re accustomed to filing tax returns for $200. But remember, tax resolution changes your clients’ lives. Tax resolution is far more valuable to your clients, and in turn, much more profitable for you. 

“The reality is that you are always helping that client more than they can help themselves.” – Drew Foster, Co-Founder, IRS Solutions


There is also tremendous value in being a “local” provider. Your community would much rather turn to a well-known, trustworthy, local provider as opposed to an overpriced firm advertising their suspicious services on late night TV. With the right tools and the right support system, you’ll be confident in your abilities, and much more comfortable charging correctly for services in your community.

IRS Solutions Gives You the Tax Resolution Business Opportunity Tools to Thrive

Consider this: If you take small steps today to transform your firm, you’ll never have to deal with another tax season again. By adding tax resolution to your portfolio, you will be well on your way to creating a brighter more fulfilling future by this time next year. Have questions about what our software can do for you and how you can get started? Contact us today! We’re here to help you thrive as a tax resolution specialist.


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